Preparing for Electrofishing
- 1 Analyze your pond. You need to be aware of the size, depth and anything that may pose a risk to the electrofishing procedure (metal debris in the pond, etc.). You will need an extra person for every 10 feet of your pond length. You should also familiarize yourself with any laws, legislation or dangers regarding electrofishing before proceeding.
2 Wear clothing that is mostly free from metal, particulary on your shoes, and suitable for water and wet weather. Wear rubber shoes and gloves.
3 Gather your team and ensure you are all fully aware of your roles, any safety risks and the procedure. You must have at least one person experienced with electrofishing and electrofishing equipment. Biologists can be called out from your local authority to help with electrofishing; you can also call out students studying biology or electrofishing courses who will be willing to help with your survey.
4 Step up your equipment. Large ponds will require larger generators, and several electrodes spread apart down the pond by 10 feet. Your generator should be at one end of the pond and at least one member of your team should be located at the opposite end to catch any escaping fish.
5 Give each member of your team a large fishing net and a large bucket of water to place the fish in. Even those using the electrodes should be provided with a fishing net and bucket.
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7 Catch fish in your net once they begin to rise. Place the fish into the large bucket of water once caught in the net.
8 Allow time for fish to travel to the other end of the pond. If you are situated opposite the generator then fish may flee toward the other side of the pond. As the electricity moves throughout the pond, catch any fish coming toward you and place them in your own bucket.
9 Count the fish. A professional or experienced team member will normally oversee and assist in this step.
10 Place the fish back into the water. Once the generator is fully turned off, the fish may be returned and should completely recover.
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