Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What Bait to Use for Lake Fishing

Posted by Donnie On 1:13 PM No comments
What Bait to Use for Lake Fishing

One of the most accessible and enjoyable types of fishing, lake fishing offers something many people seek--a little rest and relaxation. Once you learn a lake, very little changes from year to year. Some baits work in certain spots and you may find you can go back to those same places for the rest of your life. But what baits work best? And how do you find them? These are questions nearly every lake angler must answer at some point.


Understand the Lake


    Study the lake's topography. This can be done with a walk along the shore of the areas you intend to fish, making notes of weed lines, reeds, points and sunken structures. It can also be done from a boat using a fish and depth finder.


    Understand how topography affects bait choice. In some cases, fishing around weeds requires a rig that does not easily get snagged by the vegetation. In deeper water, spinner baits or crank baits work best.


    Choose baits based on the time of the year and fish species. When the water cools, some fish, such as large mouth bass, get sluggish. That may require a bait designed for a slower retrieval, such as plastic baits or some types of top water lures.


    Use a trial and error method after choosing baits and during your fishing time. Some believe fishing is a science, but it is truly more like an art form. Sometimes, a bottom bait works, such as a plastic worm. Other times, a suspended bait works, like a spinner bait or crank bait. Other times, it takes a topwater bait to induce a strike.

Choose Your Fishing Style


    Determine if you want to use artificial or live bait, or some type of combination. Live bait often entices easier strikes. Artificial bait is considered more sporting.


    Research the types of baits and how to use them. In general, slower-moving baits, such as soft plastic lures, and live baits are easier for beginners to master.


    Buy a combination of different baits. This can be done by purchasing a variety pack, or even a pre-stocked tackle box. Fish with baits you are familiar with, but also try new ones. It may increase your strikes.


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